Find your calm in the chaos.

Lauren Hugunin, MA, MFTC

Supervised by: Robyn Flores, PhD, LMFT-S, LPC

Calm in Chaos Therapy, PLLC
is not currently accepting new clients.

Lauren Hugunin, MA, MFTC will be accepting new individual and relational clients in February 2025.

Please email
for more information.

Every individual deserves a path to self-discovery, and every relationship deserves the opportunity to thrive.

Welcome to Calm in Chaos Therapy, PLLC! I’m Lauren Hugunin, MA, MFTC and I specialize in individual and relational therapy. I firmly believe that within each person lies the potential for incredible change. I am deeply committed to fostering a transformative experience tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're seeking personal healing or aiming to strengthen your relationships, our journey together is rooted in collaboration and compassion. Together, we will unlock the strengths you might not be aware of and confront the challenges that have held you back. You deserve a life rich in purpose, joy, and meaningful connections. Let's explore the untapped potential within you, address challenges, and work towards creating a narrative of resilience, growth, and enriched relationships.


“All great changes are preceded by chaos.”

- Deepak Chopra

Our Services

  • Discover personal growth, healing, and self-awareness through individual therapy. Calm in Chaos Therapy provides a safe and confidential space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and challenges, helping you find clarity and resilience.

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  • Strengthen your connections and improve communication with relational therapy for couples and alternative relationships. Relational therapy helps partners interrupt problematic patterns of interaction, increase empathy and understanding, and approach conflict productively.

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  • Embrace your authentic self in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy is a safe space where you can explore your unique experiences and challenges, promoting mental and emotional well-being.

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  • Enhance your sexual health and well-being with our specialized sex therapy services. Calm in Chaos Therapy offers a judgment-free and confidential setting to address concerns, improve intimacy, and promote a fulfilling and vibrant sex life.

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  • Parenthood comes with its own set of challenges. Therapy for parents provides guidance and support for navigating the complexities of raising children, managing stress, and fostering healthy family dynamics.

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